Cyber Security

Arm Ransomware

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts a user's files and demands that the user pay to have them returned. The FBI estimates that there are thousands of people who have had their data or systems locked as a result of ransomware, which causes them to spend thousands of dollars and hours trying to regain access.

How Does Ransomware Spread?

Ransomware spreads in a variety of ways. One way is through an email that appears to be from an organization you trust, such as your bank. The email may include a link to a website from which the ransomware infects your computer. It then encrypts your files and presents the user with a demand for payment in order to decrypt the files so that you can use them again.

Another way it spreads is by coming through spam emails, where ransomware is embedded into corrupted attachments. Once this malware has infected your computer, it makes changes in some of your personal settings without any indication or permission and then demands that you pay money to regain access to these changes- but not just money for anything: it demands payment for Bitcoin in order to get the decryption key.

One more way that ransomware spreads is through infected websites, which redirect users to malicious sites where they are infected with ransomware. This form of infection is more common in countries outside of the U.S., and most recently has affected Canada and Australia.

How Does Arm Ransomware Work?

Arm Ransomware works by installing a keylogger to monitor essential functions of your computer and Internet connection. Arm Ransomware then encrypts the hard drive, rendering all data inaccessible without decryption tools that Arm Ransomware has helpfully provided for you. Arm ransomware demands payment for these decryption tools to be sent via Bitcoin in order to regain access to your files.

Arm ransomware also means arm in a general sense; arm is used to denote armageddon- but Arm ransomware takes arm-armageddon literally, as it will destroy your arm in service of its cause if you don't pay up (literally!). In the process Arm ransomware can also steal data from other programs running on your computer and/or delete them outright.

Arm ransomware presents the user with a pop-up screen that explains that their hard drive has been encrypted. The message may additionally state that all files can be recovered after a payment is made. Another possible message is 'Your computer has been locked!'.

How to Remove Arm Ransomware

If you want to remove Arm Ransomware, follow the steps below:

Remove the malware files from the affected computer.

Completely uninstall Arm ransomware and delete its files.

Remove all registry entries associated with Arm ransomware. This will include any registry entries related to its infection process and files, including its ransom description file and ransom note file.

How to Protect My Computer From Ransomware

Users can protect their computers from ransomware by avoiding links or attachments in unsolicited emails. It is also possible to install software to block the threat before it even has the chance to infect your computer.

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