
Biden Will Not Comply With Senate Subpoena for Trump Trial

Former Vice President Joe Biden has confirmed that he would not comply with a subpoena requesting that he testify in the Senate trial of President Donald Trump. 

The House of Representatives officially impeached the president earlier this month on allegations that he had abused his power to try and use foreign aid approved by congress as leverage in an investigation into a company where Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, served as a board member. 

Top members of the House of Representatives – controlled by the Democrats – are negotiating terms for the trial with the Senate. Biden mentioned in early December that he wouldn't comply with any subpoena issued. He confirmed this statement on Friday during an interview with the Des Moines Register's editorial board. Biden has not been officially subpoenaed yet, but the idea of doing it floating around Trump's camp. 

Biden says that to testify before the Senate would only draw attention away from Trump and towards the allegations made against him. He added that not even Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and currently the personal attorney of Trump, has ever accused Biden of doing anything other than his job. Biden also believes that he doesn't think he will receive a subpoena, saying that any such subpoena would be on "specious" grounds.  

 "You guys are going to cover for three weeks anything that I said. And (Trump's) going to get away. You guys buy into it all the time. Not a joke. Think what it's about. It's about what he does all the time, his entire career. Take the focus off. This guy violated the Constitution. He said it in the driveway of the White House. He acknowledged he asked for help."

-Joe Biden interview for The Des Moines Register

Biden also states that testifying would only create a media narrative that would allow Trump to get away with what he's done. That's funny, because that is precisely what the mainstream media does to Trump. Every statement he makes is misconstrued and taken out of context to the benefit of the Democrats.

Furthermore, if Biden believes so much in President Trump's culpability, he would have no problems taking the stand in the impeachment trial. That is unless he has something to hide.

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