
Cindy Grosz: "King Kuomo" is More Kardashian Than Kennedy

Before the virus hit New York, Governor Cuomo was feeling the heat of low approval ratings.

It takes a reality television fan, an extra on shows and a personal friend of many of the celebrities to see when someone films for the camera versus someone who proves that their actions correspond with their words.

I am a fan of real housewives, real estate listings and even the family that made Calabasas a household location.

But, as a native New Yorker and a pro-Trump Republican Congressional running from Nassau County’s 4th District, I can tell you Cuomo is NOT auditioning for President or even Vice President.

Andrew Cuomo Wants To Become A Reality TV Star... Not A President

As a congressional candidate during a pandemic, campaigning has been different. However, one of the benefits is meeting constituents through direct emails, social media and by telephone. It amazes me how people have such short memories and now, while in quarantine, focus on press conferences as entertainment rather than fact.

Before the virus hit New York, Governor Cuomo was feeling the heat of low approval ratings, the largest exodus of state residents resulting in the probable loss of two congressional seats, a wave of progressive-failing laws in Albany including bail reforms freeing murders to commit crimes again within hours of freedom, drivers licenses for illegal immigrants, late-term abortions, rising racial tensions, corruption all over Albany and local county government and state bankruptcy. He was at war with Mayor Bill De Blasio and President Donald Trump.

His Attorney General, Leticia James, brought so many questionable lawsuits against Trump and those tied to him that Trump left the state he was born in, raised in, raised his children in and made his name as an entrepreneur.

Then came Coronavirus. Cuomo dressed up, used power point talking point visuals daily and used lots of what was considered “real data” to bring his case to the public that New York was in real trouble.

Yes, New York was in real trouble. I live in the center of Coronavirus on Long Island. My close friend lost both her parents. Everyday, I am involved in memorial calls or zoom shiva visits with many people I know.

Cuomo’s Facts Turned Out To Be Lies

Who was the very first elected official to actually do something when they heard about COVID-19 virus? It wasn’t Andrew Cuomo. It wasn’t Mayor Bill De Blasio. It was President Donald J.Trump. He shut down travel from China in January.

Cuomo kept schools, public buildings, places of worship and even Albany open.

His Democratic representatives, including my opponent, Kathleen Rice, was busy trying to impeach Trump by guilt by accusation rather than innocent before guilt.

By mid-March, New York was an international crisis center. He cried foul, no different than one of the new grandchildren of Kris Jenner trying to keep up. He got the attention of the fake media, angry progressives who never forgot 2016 and people worried that Joe Biden could never stand a chance in a live debate with President Trump.

He needed hospital beds, staffing, masks and ventilators. Despite accurate research by the federal government, President Trump, Vice President Pence and the COVID committee complied with every request. Now, we find out we didn’t need all those ventilators, the Bost Hospitals and the renovation of the Javits Center into a hospital.

Who wasted money— the money progressives want for public school education (another flop during corona virus) and funding for illegal immigrants? It wasn’t President Trump—it was Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Worse, published reports disclosed that Cuomo was told to purchase ventilators years ago. Instead, he put money towards updating signs with his name and building the Mario Cuomo Bridge.

Election Abuse

Governor Cuomo has a “wonderful idea” how to win elections in New York.

From Nick Langworthy, New York State Republican Chair:

"Governor Cuomo is using the coronavirus crisis as an excuse to try and steal the election."

There are news reports indicating that Cuomo will issue an Executive Order mandating the automatic mailing of ballots, setting up a system that will be rife with fraud and destroy the integrity of our elections. This is an illegal and unconstitutional political power grab and we will not let it stand.

There have been numerous cases across the country that have shown the fraud that is associated with mailed ballots. Ballot harvesting, ballots arriving late, going to an old or wrong address, more than one ballot being delivered and ballots that were never delivered are just some of the problems that have occurred.

Nursing Home Scandal

“It’s Not Our Job” to provide nursing homes with equipment or protect residents, staff and medical essential workers as over 3,500 people have died tied to nursing homes in New York. Additionally, the guidelines for EMS during the crisis is “No Pulse, no CPR.”

Attack Your Opposition

New York Gov. Cuomo to protesters wanting economy reopened: ‘Get a job as an essential worker’ as many in New York feel their constitutional rights are being challenged.

When your record has no success, attacking your opponent is key.

Let’s hope this reality show ends soon— even Kanye West supports President Donald J.Trump.

By the way, my congressional opponent in NY's CD-04, Kathleen Rice, is MIA.

Cindy Grosz

Cindy Grosz is The Jewess Patriot, Talk Radio’s Premiere Jewish Activist syndicated through Real Talk Radio and the Black and White Network. The show streams through iHeart, Spotify and Deezer and out of Israel through Jewish Podcasts. She is the chair of Jewish Vote GOP and a Jewish advisor for many 2022 candidates. She can be reached through jewishvotecounts@gmail.com

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