
Cindy Grosz: More Jewish Embarrassment In Impeachment Theater

By Cindy Grosz:

Watching these hearings, searching media outlets for “real news” is sickening for Jewish Trump Supporters— like myself.

Dayenu: A phrase Jews use at the Passover Seder that means “for what you did, it would have been enough” referring to many good deeds.

As if President Trump didn’t support his daughter’s decision to convert AND practice Judaism

As if President Trump didn’t act on his promise of moving the Embassy to Jerusalem

As if President Trump didn’t stop aid to terrorist organizations

As if President Trump didn’t recognize Jewish ties to Judea and Samaria

As if President Trump didn’t have strong representation supporting Israel in the United Nations

As if President Trump didn’t stand with Pittsburgh, Poway and others that survived acts of hate

As if President Trump didn’t host the first Sukkah at The White House

As if President Trump didn’t host TWO Chanukah parties

As if President Trump didn’t allow multiple staff members to place mezuzahs on their official offices

So, how do we thank him:

We speak poorly of him—to the point of making up lies. Many can’t even justify their reasoning.

Many Jewish politicians, news commentators and public figures have used their platforms to garner support for their beliefs and gain more minutes of fame and publicity.

Then came Ukraine. It’s amazing. I would guess and I am not a betting person, but I would wage some of those cute casino coins here, that few knew of Ukraine, probably couldn’t point it out on a map, or had an idea if it’s history. Jews might know a little more, as we have had roots there for over one thousand years. At its height, during the 1920s, almost three million Jews lived and many thrived in Ukraine. During the Holocaust, close to million Jews were murdered were from the Ukraine. In 2012, it was estimated that Ukraine had the fifth-largest Jewish community in Europe and the twelfth-largest Jewish community in the world. The Baal Shem Tov and Chasidic Judaism as hits roots there, as well as Steven Spielberg, Roseanne Barr, Golda Meir and Sheldon Adelson.

Now Ukraine and Jews have a new piece of history connections. Jews stand out as leaders of impeachment vocally and actively, and sometimes even lead a bogus, expensive and harmful kangaroo court to “punish” President Trump for winning an election fair and square in November 2016.

A lot has already been written about Vindman, Sondland, Parnes and Fruman and the testimonies of family histories of leaving Nazi Germany.

Then came December 4, 2019. Four attorneys who are also law professors addressed the the judiciary committee led by Congressman Jerry Nadler. Four attorneys and law professors interpreting what our forefathers thought. Feldman, Karlan, Gerhardt (who had a fellowship in 2016 teaching Political Ramifications: Expanding Jewish Political Thought through The Katz Center Of Judaic Studies at the University Of North Carolina School Of Law) and Democratic Council Norm Eisen.

Quite frankly, I am embarrassed. President Trump, not all Jews support this nor want to be judged by these “sour grapes” in a delicious bunch.

When will we learn our lesson?

Name calling against President Trump is no different than when we are called Shylocks and Fagins. Haven’t we suffered through questionable trials like those tied to Alfred Dreyfus, the Rosenbergs and the many others who were found guilty on opinion rather than fact?

A word to those who are “think” they are wise — we are living in troublesome times. Factual history always points to blaming all Jews, regardless of political affiliation, sexual preference, age, hair color or weight. Tisha B’Av, The Spanish Inquisition, The Holocaust, even almost daily attacks somewhere around the world are proof. How many countries have we be expelled from, our businesses and synagogues destroyed and our women raped?

The implications of guilty before innocence and heresy before facts and reading minds of dead men are dangerous! And, if history shows us, somehow, all Jews get blamed. A note to Schiff, Nadler, Cohen, and that angry Pamela Karlan, you would have been gassed and burned just like Trump Jews in Nazi Germany. You would have probably been murdered before many of us because of your public stature and how Hitler could easily have found you and make your deaths a fear inspiring tactical ploy.

When are we going to join the bandwagon and join other minority groups in abandoning promises with no follow up actions, failing education, no improvements in healthcare, no fixing our infrastructure, no improving immigration issues and wasting time and our money on this charade.

And A Note To President Trump...

Many would rethink future support for Jewish concerns. However, you are the master of “the art of the deal.” You better than my own people understand Judeo-Christian values, the American-Israeli relationship and the importance of calling out worldwide anti-Semitism, the implications of BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions) and religious freedom and choices for all.

I can’t think of any president who could do their job under the circumstances you undergo daily. You will be rewarded for it at the ballot box and the trickle down effect to both the House and Senate.

May you live until 120 and please don’t judge all Jews by the few sore losers.

Cindy Grosz

Cindy Grosz is The Jewess Patriot, Talk Radio’s Premiere Jewish Activist syndicated through Real Talk Radio and the Black and White Network. The show streams through iHeart, Spotify and Deezer and out of Israel through Jewish Podcasts. She is the chair of Jewish Vote GOP and a Jewish advisor for many 2022 candidates. She can be reached through jewishvotecounts@gmail.com

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