
Dan Wos: The Number of Guns in America Just Went Up…and Guess What?

By Dan Wos:

The anti-gun crowd thinks they can remove guns from Americans through unconstitutional laws and media-driven scare tactics. They are sadly mistaken. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) just released new data, reported on by, The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®). The report showed us just how ineffective the gun-grabbers have been at convincing people to give up their guns and live a life of unarmed helplessness. The report details just how many firearms there really are in America.

Although the anti-gun crowd continues to push the notion that removing guns from our society will reduce violence, they continue to fail in recognizing the real causes of violence. Here’s a hint, it’s not guns. It’s people, but if the gun grabbers were to focus on the causes of human-violence, they’d be forced to shine a spotlight on the failed policies that they support. The anti-gun crowd tries desperately to keep the focus on guns because they don’t want people to see that they do nothing to fix open borders, sanctuary cities, gun free zones, rampant pharmaceutical drug use, welfare dependency and many other problems they perpetuate in their quest for ideological dominance.

The ATF just reported that there are 423 million guns in America. Those are just the ones we know about. They also reported that there are 8.1 billion rounds of ammunition produced every year. This doesn’t count all the homemade ammo. If guns were really the problem, like the anti-gun crowd wants you to believe, we’d all be dead. But quite the contrary. Not only are guns “not” the cause of violence, they are used to save lives every day.

A study by Gary Kleck, supported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data, shows us that there are approximately 2.5 million defensive gun uses per year in America. This doesn’t necessarily mean good guys killing bad guys. This most often means just the mere presence of a gun deters a bad guy. Although the “pro-women,” gun-grabbing left, claims to be a champion for women’s rights, they ignore the fact that 46% of these defensive gun uses are by women. why is this true? Because when the bad guys have opposition, they think twice about attacking good people.


· 7,901,218 total firearms produced and imported

· 4,411,923 pistols and revolvers

· 2,821,945 rifles

· 667,350 shotguns

*Fun Fact: Over 95% of people refuse to register their firearms and accessories when their government employees demand registration through unconstitutional legislation.

The FBI reports violent crime going down consistently since the 90s. So, although the gun grabbers like to scare people into supporting more gun-restrictions by using terms like “gun-violence” or “assault weapon,” the truth is, as the number of guns in the hands of good people goes up, human-violence in America goes down. The media narrative however, is the exact opposite. The media and the gun grabbers lie about the “guns vs. homicides” data because they don’t want you to know that you and your family are much safer if you own a gun. Should they tell the truth, it would fly in the face of the narrative they have supported for decades. How would they look if they admitted that they have been wrong all this time?

The number of guns and ammo in America is enough to frighten the pants off the irrationally fearful and uninformed Anti-Gunners because that’s how they’ve been trained, but it’s reassuring to know that real Americans are not giving in to the anti-gun media fear campaign. We won’t entertain the lies and deceit propagated by the Bloomberg-funded, Moms Demand Action and Everytown For Gun Safety groups. Real Americans have decided that the second amendment is not a Government issued privilege despite what the socialists among us would like people to believe. So, while the anti-gun lobbying groups push for more Gun Free School Zones that get children killed, and then use the deaths of those kids to push for more gun restrictions on their own fellow citizens, people are becoming wise to their deceitful strategies. Real Americans understand that the Second Amendment Was written because our founding fathers saw these tyrants coming over 200 years away. Smart Americans understand that the second amendment is a right that serves us well, and it’s gonna’ stay that way.

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