
Dirty Politics: Special Prosecutor in Smollett Case Donated to State’s Attorney he’s Investigating

Only in the bowels of dirty politics, Chicago, IL, can such a story materialize.

Dan Webb and a check he wrote to State’s Attorney Kim Foxx bring about all sorts of confusion and potential wrongdoing in discovering why charges were dropped in Jussie Smollett case.

Last month Webb said “whether reasonable ground exist to further prosecute Jussie Smollett, and whether any person or office involved in the Smollett Case, including Kim Foxx and members of the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, engaged in improper conduct or committed any criminal offenses,” on the ongoing investigation surrounding the case in which Smollett, an African-American actor was charged with 16 counts of disorderly conduct after possibly staging a homophobic, racially-charged, politically-charged attack against him, in Smollett’s words, at the beginning of the year. Charges were dropped by State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office.

An affidavit, written by Webb, came out on Monday, in which Webb wrote he got information from Kim Foxx’s attorney that he had donated $1,000 to her campaign in 2016. Webb continued, saying that him and Foxx’s attorney “made it clear that he and Kim Foxx do not consider this political contribution an issue, and stated that Kim Foxx will not claim any conflict of interest, or have any other objection related to this contribution.”

Webb said he has no recollection of the donation whatsoever, but that it was common to write support checks at the behest of his partners, however a report by The Chicago Tribune shows Dan Webb as a co-host of the event - “Webb’s filing included a copy of the flyer for the fundraiser on Oct. 13, 2016.”

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