
DNC Day 2: What You Need To Know

John Kerry took foreign policy shots against Trump

Democrats speak out against Trump, mainly targeting his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, in the Democratic National Convention’s second day.

DNC Attacks Trump Hard While Praising Biden

The 77-year-old former Vice President Joe Biden is the oldest presidential nominee in US history – a fact that President Donald Trump uses quite often to portray Biden as too diminished mentally to have the ability to be president.

Democrats, however, struck back on Tuesday on the DNC’s second day. Former President Bill Clinton took five minutes to speak on Tuesday, which he used to criticize Trump’s response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Clinton stressed that despite the US having only “4 percent of the world’s population” it has 25% of COVID-19 cases in the world, and carries an unemployment rate that is twice as high as South Korea’s, 2.5 times the UK’s and over three times higher than Japan’s.

Trump’s response came in the form of a tweet, saying that the massive amount of cases is due to the amount of testing the US does, which exceeds any other country’s. Clinton portrayed Trump as a president who spends “hours a day watching TV and zapping people on social media.”

Former US senator and Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, John Kerry, also spoke against Trump on matters of foreign policy, with Kerry’s opinions and views often being in conflict with Trump’s on the matter.

Trump has often mocked Kerry for the nuclear deal he negotiated with Iran under President Barack Obama, which Trump pulled the US out of in 2018.

Kerry said that America deserves a president who foreign officials could look up to, saying that Trump is a laughing stock for foreign governments. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell also added that Trump lacks the values needed in a US president, with many others joining to speak in support of Biden and criticize Trump.

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