
Elizabeth Warren: The Political Version of Charles Manson

By Ed Brodow:

John F. Kennedy’s most famous line was, “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” In 1960, it sounded sweet and inoffensive. The enormous sacrifices made during World War II were still echoing in the air. We liked the idea of pitching in. Sixty years later, we are discovering what Kennedy really meant and what the Democrats have had in mind the entire time: The individual exists to serve the state, not the other way around. What can you do for your country? EVERYTHING.

Hold it. Didn’t the Founding Fathers invent the United States as protection against this very notion? What makes America unique in world history is the insistence on limited government: the primacy of the individual over the state. Hitler. Mussolini. Stalin. Mao. Castro. At great cost in human life, their regimes coerced the individual to serve the state. We have been fortunate to live in a nation the very purpose of which is to prevent a Hitler or Castro from taking over. Let’s be thankful for this.

Enter Elizabeth Warren. Hiding behind a distorted version of “compassion,” she wants to provide free healthcare for everyone at a cost of only $52 trillion. What a bargain. After all, she argues that healthcare is a right. Bear in mind that the annual federal budget is $4 trillion. Where does Warren hope to find the money to pay for her largesse? Tax the very rich, naturally.

The ultra-rich are a small minority, small enough to be taken advantage of by a greedy majority. Warren is betting that the majority will say, “Great idea, let’s tax those rich bastards.” Make them pay their “fair share.” Obama paved the way for scalping the affluent when he said, “You didn’t build that.” He was talking about Bill Gates and Larry Ellison and Warren Buffett. How dare they hoard all the money that really belongs to you and me? This is how socialists think.

Okay, so we take most of their money—excuse me, our money. What if a handful of billionaire fortunes is insufficient to feed the monster? Then we take it down a peg and tax the hell out of millionaires. You see where this is going? Eventually you wind up over-taxing everybody in order to feed the rapacious ship of state. Warren believes that all of America’s resources—everything you and I have worked for—belong to the federal government. So what if two million people lose their jobs, as she herself predicts. For Warren, the state takes precedence over the individual. If people have to suffer in order to satisfy Warren’s compassionate agenda, too damn bad. When you remove the curtain, Warren is the new incarnation of Stalin, the political version of Charles Manson, with a gargantuan appetite in search of control over the masses.

We need to understand that it doesn’t stop with healthcare. The aim of “Democratic Socialists” like Warren and Bernie Sanders is a bloated government in Washington run by a cadre of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats and overseen by a tiny elite for whom the rules do not apply. It is the Soviet Union all over again. Obama pushed Obamacare because he knew that when he had control over the healthcare system, it would be a matter of time before the government controlled everything. Warren is Obama on steroids. Her policies are a smokescreen for enforcing the dystopian reality portrayed by George Orwell in 1984. If you haven’t read it, get a copy. It describes the world according to Warren. 

The Democratic Socialists object to Donald Trump’s presidency because he was installed by the ignorant electorate contrary to the wishes of the Deep State. In other words, they don’t believe in elections. Warren and Sanders and Obama can live in mansions with servants—just as Stalin did—while the rest of us suffer from the collapse of our economic system, a system that has provided more for the masses than any other in history. And collapse it will as the Democratic Socialists deconstruct capitalism. They have allies in the United Nations and the European Union, both of which are run by unelected bureaucrats who want to destroy national sovereignty. The bureaucrats at the UN have admitted that their campaign to combat global warming is really an all-out effort to redistribute resources on a global scale.

The irony is that we have come full circle from the McCarthyism of the 1950s. Warren’s ideas would have landed her in jail in 1954. What happened? The American Left has succeeded in infiltrating the Democratic Party, academia, the media, and Hollywood. Today’s college students are told that socialism will work in the US despite the fact that it has failed everywhere else. So what can we do about it? Those of us who still believe in limited government and the capitalist system can fight for our beliefs. We can reject the fake news media, we can reject political correctness, we can stop going to see propagandistic Hollywood films, and we can reeducate the young to appreciate political realities.

Warren is dangerous. If she succeeds in taking over the Democratic Party, the choice will be clear: a federal republic or a totalitarian socialist state. Give thanks for Trump. Whether or not you like his bombastic style, what counts is that he supports American values: free speech, limited government, checks and balances, due process and the rule of law, equality of opportunity via free market competition, private property, assumption of personal responsibility. The Left wants to do away with all of it. What about you? What do you support? Now is the time to stand up for what you believe.

Ed Brodow

Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator, negotiation expert, and regular contributor to Newsmax, Daily Caller, American Thinker, Townhall, LifeZette, Media EqualizerReactionary Times, and other online news magazines. He is the author of eight books including his latest blockbuster, Trump’s Turn: Winning the New Civil War.

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