
Fixing the 'Application Not Opened' Error in macOS Big Sur


Many users of macOS Big Sur often encounter the error message: "You do not have permission to open the application. Contact your computer or network administrator for assistance." This error may potentially hinder workflow as it prevents users from opening and using certain applications, especially those not developed or signed by Apple. The error message is more than a mere inconvenience; it can create major roadblocks, especially when the affected application is critical for work or productivity.

Common Causes for the Error

One primary cause for this issue is the macOS's defense mechanism. Apple has strict permissions and standards for developers to abide by, one of which is the need for apps to be code-signed. Hence, if an application lacks this code-signature or if it is broken, it leads to the aforementioned error message.

Another common cause of this issue is Gatekeeper, an inbuilt security feature of macOS. Gatekeeper quarantines applications that it considers unsafe or unverified. More often than not, these are applications downloaded from the internet or third-party apps not found on the App Store. The quarantined application will not open and will instead, display the mentioned error message. An absence of required permissions could be another cause for the error message.

It is noted that these mechanisms are not infallible, and sometimes safe applications are flagged mistakenly. In such cases, users can resort to solutions such as force signing the troublesome application through Terminal commands.

Dealing with the Error

If you encounter this issue, do not panic. There are solutions that can effectively address the problem. One of which is force signing the app in Terminal. This means bypassing the codesign requirement and manually signing the app. However, it should be noted that this should only be done if the user is sure that the app is safe to use. If the issue is due to Gatekeeper quarantining the app, removing the app from quarantine through a simple Terminal command will resolve it.

In cases where permission is the issue, adjusting the app's permission settings is the ideal solution. If none of these troubleshooting steps work, one can consider seeking professional assistance or reaching out to the application's developer support.

Method to Fix the Error

The "You do not have permission to open the application." error can be addressed using various methods, depending on the underlying cause. Here's an outline of various solutions and their procedures.

Updating macOS

With every update, Apple resolves a variety of bugs and optimizes system performances. Therefore, updating your macOS might just resolve this error.

Steps to update macOS:

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Select 'System Preferences'
  3. Click on 'Software Update'. If any updates are available, click 'Update Now' to install them.

Granting Read and Write Access

If the error arises due to insufficient permissions, you can rectify it by granting read and write permissions to the app through Terminal.

Steps to grant read and write access to an app through Terminal:

  1. Open Terminal from Launchpad > Other.
  2. Type in 'sudo chmod -R 777' (without quotes).
  3. Drag the problematic application into Terminal and press Enter.
  4. Input your password and press Enter.

Manually Removing Quarantine Flag via Gatekeeper

For apps downloaded from the web, Gatekeeper may assign quarantine bits, causing this error. In these instances, you have to manually remove the quarantine flag through Terminal.

Steps to manually remove quarantine flag:

  1. Open Terminal from Launchpad > Other.
  2. Copy and paste 'sudo xattr -dr' (without quotes) into Terminal.
  3. Locate the problematic app, drag and drop it into Terminal, and press Enter.
  4. Type your password, then press Enter once more.

Force Code Signing Process on Un-signed or Broken Signature Apps

Force signing the app in Terminal might serve as a solution for unsigned apps or those with broken signatures. However, this should only be implemented for trustworthy apps.

Procedure for forced code signing process:

  1. Launch Terminal from Launchpad > Other.
  2. Copy and paste 'sudo codesign --force --deep --sign -' (without quotes) into Terminal.
  3. Drag the problematic app into Terminal and press Enter.
  4. Input your password and hit Enter again.

Unpacking UPX Compressed Binaries

In the case of binary files compressed with UPX, unpacking them may solve the issue.

Steps to unpack UPX compressed binaries:

  1. Open Terminal and navigate to the app's Contents/MacOS/ directory by typing 'cd /Applications/'.
  2. Unpack the binary file with the command 'upx -d appname'.

Forcing App Opening Using Rosetta on Apple Silicon Macs

For Apple Silicon Macs, forcing the app to open through Rosetta might be the solution.

Steps to manually force app opening via Rosetta:

  1. Right-click on the app and select "Get Info".
  2. Tick the "Open using Rosetta" checkbox.
  3. Close "Get Info" and try opening the app.

Reinstall the Problematic App

If all else fails, uninstalling and reinstalling the app might just resolve the issue. This step should be reserved for persistent issues, and as a last means of diagnosis.

Steps to uninstall and reinstall an app:

  1. Move the problematic app to Trash and empty Trash.
  2. Restart your Mac.
  3. Download and reinstall the app.

Other Potential Causes for the Issue

Despite the variety of solutions provided, sometimes the "You do not have permission to open the application." issue can have other root causes. These may include risks related to using old software versions and the implications of not having Xtools installed on a Mac.

Risks Associated with Using Old Software Versions

Running on outdated versions of software can be a potential reason for encountering this error. Old versions may no longer be supported by the latest macOS Big Sur and could lead to compatibility issues. This may result in system errors such as the "You do not have permission to open the application." message. It's therefore recommended to always keep your software applications up-to-date, limiting the probability of running into this issue.

Implications of Not Having Installed Xtools on Mac

Xtools, a set of tools for developers, can be another factor associated with the permission error in macOS. Some apps leverage features and functionalities dependent on these tools. Not having Xtools installed or updated on your macOS can therefore trigger unexpected system errors, like the one in discussion. Installing the appropriate Xtools version for your macOS can aid in rectifying and preventing the occurrence of such errors.

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