
Freshmen Dems Want GOP Defector as Impeachment Manager

Former GOP member Rep. Justin Amash is being pushed to be the impeachment manager for the House of Representatives by a group of freshmen Democrats.

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“To the extent that this can be bipartisan, it should, and I think including Representative Amash amongst the impeachment managers is a smart move both for the country, for the substance and for the optics,” Rep. Dean Phillips, the leader of the group of about 30 Democrats, told the Washington Post.

The group of fresh Dems believe the former GOP member could reach out to conservatives and present the case in a way Democrats could not, and would be a good move to battle the GOP’s claims that House Democrats are looking for a partisan impeachment process.

Rep. Amash, now-independent, could prove to be a great wheel in the impeachment machine for Democrats, as he has repeatedly criticized the president and previously called for impeachment over special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe:

“If this were an ordinary prosecution, there’s no grand jury in America that would not return an indictment on the facts and evidence presented in these hearings,” Amash said during last month’s public impeachment hearings.

After a House vote on Wednesday expected to move impeachment proceedings forward to a trial in Senate due to Democrats’ majority, the chances of President Trump being removed from office are very low in the Republican-controlled Senate, which is extremely likely to acquit the president should it come to a trial.

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