
Graham: Trump and Sessions have "Dysfunctional" Relationship

"The President has lost confidence in Jeff Sessions," South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham told NBC's "Today" Show.

"And I'm telling you what everybody in the country knows: This is a dysfunctional relationship. We need a better one. Is there somebody who's highly qualified that has the confidence of the president who'll also understand their job is to protect Mueller? Yes, I think we can find that person after the election, if that's what the president wants."

Graham had previously expressed strong opposition to the idea of removing Sessions as attorney general. Last year he opined that there would be "holy hell to pay" if Trump fired the AG.

A few days ago, Graham spoke to FOX News:

Trump has raised the volume on his criticisms of Sessions in recent weeks via Twitter.

What Trump does about Sessions and how fast he takes action, may not happen quickly enough to prevent a possible subpoena from the Mueller Probe. Famed Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz told CNN's "New Day" on Tuesday that he feels that federal prosecutors may be gearing up to force the President's involvement in the investigation.

"You can't compel the president to sit down with the special counsel, but you can compel him to come in front of a grand jury," Dershowitz said.


Julio Rivera

Julio Rivera is a small business consultant, political activist, writer and Editorial Director for Reactionary Times.  His writing, which is concentrated on politics and cybersecurity, has also been published by websites including Newsmax, The Hill, The Washington Times, LifeZette, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Toronto Sun, PJ Media and many others.

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