
Majority of Americans Oppose Removing Trump From Office

A majority of Americans want to see Donald Trump remain president according to a new Gallup Poll.

Shrinking Number of Americans Who Want Conviction

A survey by Gallup, conducted between Jan. 2 and Jan. 15 with a sample size of 1,014 voters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and a 95% confidence level, says that Trump now has the majority of voters behind him, disapproving of his removal from office through impeachment.

The President’s job approval rating remains at 44%, hovering between 43% and 45% in recent polls, although it’s a big improvement from the 39 to 41% approval rating when the impeachment saga began around September of 2019.

The survey was, as usual, mostly split along party lines, with 88% of Republicans approving of Trump and the job he’s doing as a president, and 90% of Democrats disapproving, independents are close to splitting with 37% of independents approving.

A majority, however, has formed regarding voters’ opinion on whether or not Trump should be convicted and removed from office – in total 51% want the senators to vote against conviction and keep Trump as president.
Again, mostly split along party lines, 93% of Republicans are opposed to conviction, while 84% of Democrats favor conviction. Independents are quite evenly divided, with 49% who want to see Trump removed from office and 46% who oppose his conviction.

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