
How to Maximize Your Phone's Battery Life and Stop Apps from Running Overnight

Stop Apps from Running Overnight

To prevent your Android phone's battery from draining overnight, it is essential to stop apps from running when they are not in use, especially overnight. Here are some simple steps on how to do it:

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the notification shade.
  • Tap on the section labeled "Active apps". This may also be called "Apps in use" or "Running Apps" depending on your phone’s interface.
  • Review the list of apps that are currently running in the background and stop any that you do not need. To do this, tap on the app and select "Force Stop" or "Close".

Use Battery Saver Feature

Most Android phones have a built-in Battery Saver feature, designed to extend battery life by limiting certain functions. Follow these steps to activate it:

  • From your home screen, swipe down to reveal the notification shade and tap the gear icon to open the settings menu.
  • Locate and select the "Battery and device care" setting. This may also be titled simply "Battery" again depending on your phone’s interface.
  • Find the option for "Power Saving", "Battery Saver" or "Ultra power saving". Switch this setting to "On" mode. Once activated, some apps will run less frequently and some visual effects might be reduced, saving battery power.

Limit App Usage

Limiting the usage of certain power-hungry apps can significantly improve your Android device's battery life. Here’s how:

  • Again, go into the "Battery and device care" settings.
  • Next, go into the "Battery" settings. You’ll be able to see which apps are draining the most battery.'
  • Tap on the app that consumes a lot of power. Then, tap on the "Limit usage" option.
  • A popup should appear with two options – "Deep sleep" and "Sleep". Deep sleep means the app won't run in the background at all. Use any one of these options based on your preference.

Tips for Android 12 or Newer

If you have upgraded to Android 12 or newer, there are some additional techniques to preserve your phone's battery life. Below are some top tips:

  • Android 12 has a new "Bedtime mode". You can customize when this period starts and ends in the settings, making your phone automatically start conserving power during your designated sleep hours.
  • There is an option in the Bedtime Mode settings: "Use Battery Saver". Make sure this is set to "On".
  • Before going to sleep, close all running apps.
  • Turn off wireless connectivity features such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC, as they can drain the battery if left on unnecessarily overnight.
  • Ensure your phone signal is set to 4G. Connecting to 5G networks can consume more battery power.
  • If there are any ongoing downloads or updates, make sure they are paused or canceled before you sleep as they significantly drain the battery.

Bonus Tips

Switch Off the Phone Overnight in Case of Emergency

In the event that you are experiencing significant overnight battery drain and none of the above solutions seems to work, you can consider switching off your phone entirely overnight. This obviously isn't an ideal solution for everyone, as some may need to keep their phone on for emergency calls or alarms. However, it’s worth considering if battery life has become a serious issue. Simply hold down the power button and confirm the action when prompted.

Explore the Possibility of Replacing the Phone or Battery in Older Devices

If you own an older Android phone and have noticed that the battery doesn't hold a charge as well as it used to, it may be worth considering a phone or battery replacement. Over time, phone batteries do degenerate and start to hold less charge. There are tools and settings that can provide some insights into the health of your battery.

If you notice that your battery health is below 80%, it might be beneficial to look into battery replacements. If your phone is significantly outdated and slow, it may be a better long term investment to replace the entire phone rather than just the battery. This is especially true if you are not comfortable with taking apart your phone, as some batteries are difficult to replace due to modern, sealed construction of phones.

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