
McCarthy: Pelosi Falling Short of Her Own Guidelines for Impeachment

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy brought up Nancy Pelosi’s guidelines for impeachment and the failure to uphold every single one of them.

“On those three issues… they have failed each one.”

McCarthy quoted Pelosi talking about guidelines for impeachment in March in front of reporters, saying that the three major points she made were all failed:

“I imagine almost everybody in America believes that impeachment is so divisive but if we were to do it, it has to be compelling, overwhelming, and bipartisan. … On those three issues… they have failed each one,” McCarthy said.

He went on to agree with everything Pelosi said, however, what’s troublesome is that no one is sticking to those three principles that everyone seemingly agrees on.

McCarthy then took some shots at the House Intelligence Committee, rebranding it the “Impeachment Committee,” as well as Adam Schiff, who “has a hard time with the truth.”

“Adam has made his mind up long before. He just didn’t have the proof so he needed to write his own story. If you read his report, he only picks what he wants and he still does not have anything overwhelming, compelling, or bipartisan, but that does not stop him from continuing to make items up,” McCarthy said.

A party line vote in the Intelligence Committee is soon to be followed, moving the impeachment inquiry to the House Judiciary Committee, and perhaps, eventually leading it to a full-on trial in the Seante, which Republicans have been wanting to happen ever since the saga started.

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