How-to Guides

Merging Two Facebook Accounts: A Step-by-Step Guide and What to Consider

Managing multiple Facebook accounts is inefficient and a hassle in an era of digital interconnectedness. Despite the different purposes served by each account, it is highly plausible for an individual to consider merging two of their accounts under one single profile. Merging Facebook accounts is a come-in-handy tool to consolidate your digital life, especially if you wield multiple accounts for diverse purposes.

Using multiple Facebook profiles may result in the compartmentalization of friends and information. Merging two profiles will help amalgamate the friends list and the information from both accounts, making managing your social interactions dramatically easier. Not to mention, it mitigates the privacy concerns related to managing separate Facebook accounts.

Moreover, the process of merging Facebook accounts is relatively easy and swift. By simply visiting the account settings page and opting for “Join Account,” one can fuse two accounts. The only requirement is to provide the password for the other account.

Facebook’s Guidelines for Multiple Profiles

As per Facebook's community standards, it is not typical for a user to possess more than one personal account. However, if you find yourself in a situation with two accounts registered under the same name, even in contingencies like marriage or partnership, Facebook permits you to merge multiple accounts.

However, bear in mind that each person is allowed to have only one personal account. It is essential to adhere to Facebook's guidelines for maintaining a healthy and responsible social networking presence.

Merging Requirements

While Facebook does not support the direct merging of two personal accounts, there are methods to amalgamate your digital presence. Therefore, it's vital to understand the requirements and exceptions that come into play to ensure a successful account convergence. Here's a glance at some critical points that need to be taken into consideration:

  1. Administrative Rights Requirement. For merging, it is a prerequisite that you have administrative rights to both the accounts in question. Therefore, if you're attempting to combine accounts that different persons own, you may need to gain administrator access for both to merge them.
  2. The sameness of Account Names and Representation. Facebook's policy dictates that the two accounts should have identical names and represent the same product or service, especially for businesses. This is especially relevant for companies undergoing consolidation or acquisition processes. If the accounts you aim to combine do not have the same name, you might need to rectify this to meet Facebook's merging prerequisite. You can change the account name through the account settings to align with the other account.
  3. Location Constraint. If the two profiles in question represent physical locations, it is key for both pages to have the same address. This uniformity is necessary for a successful merging process, especially for businesses with multiple location pages.

A caveat about Paid Campaigns

While merging the accounts, be careful about ongoing paid campaigns. As the merging process might affect the visibility and performance of these campaigns, you might consider pausing them during the process to avoid any potential loss.

Step-by-step Guide to Merging Two Facebook Accounts

Merging Facebook accounts involves a series of straightforward steps. Although Facebook can automatically merge accounts, you can also initiate the process manually to ensure the fusion of accounts takes place seamlessly. Here's a sequential guide:

  1. Access 'Settings & Privacy. The first step is to sign into the Facebook account that you want to keep. Look for the downward-facing triangle icon on the top-right corner of your Facebook homepage. Clicking on this icon will reveal a dropdown menu where you can access 'Settings & Privacy'.
  2. Follow the Path to 'Merge Pages.' Within 'Settings & Privacy,' select 'Account Settings.' Then, click on 'Manage Accounts' from the left menu. Sometimes, you will find an option to 'Merge Pages.' This feature, however, is typically available for pages and not personal accounts. Tap the 'Merge Pages' option and select the two pages you wish to integrate. Click 'Continue' and then 'Request Merge.'
  3. Enter Password and Completion. If the 'Merge Pages' feature is unavailable, you can opt for 'Request to Join Account.' In doing so, you will be asked to input the login credentials for the second account. After entering the correct information, click on 'Request Account Join'. Upon completing these steps, you will receive a confirmation message stating that your accounts have been joined.

Alternative Method with Link if 'Merge Pages' Option is Not Available

If the 'Merge Pages' option is not readily available in your account settings, there is an alternative way to merge your Facebook accounts or pages. You can visit Then, select the two pages you wish to merge and click 'Continue.' Following these steps, click 'Request Merge.'

Remember, while merging accounts, it's recommended to do it on the same computer you usually use to access them for higher chances of success.

Consequences and Considerations

Merging Facebook accounts involves some significant changes to the resulting account, and it's essential to understand what these modifications entail before and after merging:

  1. Transfer of Check-Ins and Followers. You will notice increased likes and check-ins on merging accounts or pages on the retained page. This rise corresponds with the followers and check-ins from the deleted account being carried over; however, they may not necessarily double. There is a high chance that some followers were familiar with both pages, and double-counting does not occur.
  2. Relevant Changes to the Current Page. While your primary account/page will remain intact post-merger, some additional information may be integrated into the 'About' section from the deleted account. Ensure that the website, phone number, address, and other details align with the specifications of the primary account.
  3. Impact on Associated Groups. If the deleted account was the admin of any Facebook groups, appoint a new admin from the primary account before initiating the merging process. Failing to do so may result in losing control over those groups.
  4. Data Loss from Deleted Account. Remember that merging will cause all the content and information from the deleted account to vanish. If any crucial data on the account is to be deleted, you should aggregate it for safekeeping before the merge.
  5. Download Important Information Before Merging. Before merging, it's advisable to download and back up important information from the account set to be deleted. Apart from personal posts and uploaded media, your backed-up information could include messages and other valuable data.

An Irreversible Act

The process of merging Facebook accounts is irreversible. Once merged, it's practically impossible to retrieve the information from the deleted account or undo the process to return to the original separate accounts. Hence, ensure you have thoroughly considered the implications before going ahead.

If you are still having trouble, consider contacting remote technical support options.

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