
Possible America Reboot Plan in the Works

Plans to reboot the US economy are currently in development, as the country moves closer to the finale of the Coronavirus crisis.

America Back in Action

No details were revealed on the plan, with President Trump only saying it is in its early stages and will likely depend on the number of Americans that can be tested in the future. The effort to spring the economy back into action would begin in smaller cities and states hit with fewer COVID-19 cases than the hotspots, while those with the highest number of infections like New York, Detroit and New Orleans would remain shuttered.

“We’re looking at the concept where we open sections of the country and we’re also looking at the concept where you open up everything,” Trump said Tuesday night on Fox News.

All options are being considered and a plan is being formed for a reboot, as the Coronavirus outbreak slows its pace down after aggressive mitigation measures have begun to show promise, but have taken their toll on the economy.

National Economic Council director Larry Kudlow told Fox that rebooting the nation’s workforce and economy could begin within four to eight weeks, with health experts saying it’s come down to the “home stretch.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an almost nationwide lockdown, shutting down thousands of non-essential businesses to limit human contact and the spread of the virus – something that has been frustrating Trump since early March, as he focused on improving the economy and hit record highs for unemployment and stock gains.

Despite initially being against the tighter regulations to contain the virus, the president agreed and “shut down” the country, however, glimmers of hope are now showing as a reopening effort could happen within 30 days, although it’s expected that officials at the CDC or other health officials will protest against it.

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