
Republican Led Senate May Investigate Hunter Biden’s Ties To China

There is a new possibility of an official Congressional investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business affairs after a resurfacing of information regarding his ties to a Chinese investment firm.

“Officials from the Treasury Department, Commerce Department, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence gave Grassley an ‘extensive, classified briefing,’” as reported by the WFB, adding that “American national security officials and independent analysts strongly suspected” that the Aviation Industry Corporation of China’s goal was obtaining the plans for the U.S.’s F-35 jet.

It was found out that Hunter Biden sat on the board of BHR Partners, an investment firm, who had partnered with The Aviation Industry Corporation to China to acquire a U.S. auto company “that produces technologies with military applications.”

It seems not only Joe Biden’s son was involved with the company, with then-Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson, Christopher Heinz, also having ties to the firm, arousing suspicion in Grassley.

One of the biggest concerns in the case is the procedure itself, whether or not it was followed properly and if proper authorization was received from the Obama Administration’s Treasury Department.

Hunter Biden’s affairs have come under scrutiny since September, when his business dealings in Ukraine and the actions of his father all came up in a whistleblower complaint against Trump, which later evolved into an impeachment inquiry.

The former Vice President’s son’s business in China has also been re-exposed, with his ties to BHR Partners and the backing of a Chinese startup, which made facial-recognition software to identify Chinese Muslims and send them to concentration camps.

Although the old saying innocent until proven guilty still holds, with recent digging into Hunter Biden’s affairs and new investigations yet to be complete, nobody knows what the future holds for Biden.

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