
7 Interview Tips That Will Help You Land a Remote Position

Working in a remote position is much like working in any other position in some ways. One similarity is that you might have to interview for the job. Here are the top interview tips every worker should know for a remote position.

1. Ensure You are Ready for It

The idea of being ready for remote work may be surprising, but you should definitely consider all the factors before accepting a remote job. There’s a surprising amount of people who don’t want to commit to being fully remote or working in an office full-time. If that sounds like you, you might be better off applying for a regular position with limited out-of-office hours.

2. Clean Up

Remote interviews typically involve a video call of some kind. You need to start preparing for the exam by cleaning up your surroundings and thinking about where you want to have the interview. Put things away in cupboards and set yourself up in a professional space. If it’s not something you’d have in a real office, don’t let it be in your home office. At least, not until after the interview.

3. Dress For the Occasion

You wouldn’t turn up for an interview in your pajamas, not if you wanted the job, so don’t look like that with a remote interview either. You yourself should look as professional as your surroundings. Even if you don’t expect a video interview, it’s better to be safe than sorry so you don’t have to explain to the interviewer you have to get dressed.

4. Have Your Hardware and Software Ready

How many times have you gone through a video call and found yourself disconnecting or facing audio and visual problems? You don’t want to have that happen during an interview. Check your devices and software before the interview. Check your camera, microphone, and speaker are all working correctly. Turn off any unnecessary software that could be interfering with the connection. Call a friend or two to make sure everything works properly and you’re good to go.

5. Double-Check the Time Zone

This is a small but important detail. If the interviewer is from a different time zone, make sure you meant the same time for the interview. You don’t want to be caught out doing anything that prevents you from being at the interview on time.

6. Be Prepared for an On-Site Interview

If you pass this interview and are invited back for another, it might take place at the actual office. The potential employer will likely want to meet you in person even if you’ll be a full-time remote worker. This is great for you because you get more out of a physical meeting than a video call. You want to start working with a good relationship with your boss and a personal meeting is the best way to get that.

7. Be Prepared!

Don’t forget the interview prep – read up on the company in question and consider potential questions the interviewer might ask. Prepare questions of your own and psych yourself up to be enthusiastic in the interview. Search online to see if anyone else has interviewed with the company and if they have any tips to share.

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