
Bill Martinez: Let’s Bus Our Kids To Miami For The Best Communist History Lesson

It could be an early “Spring Break” fieldtrip to Little Havana and Calle Ocho in Miami.  Let our kids hear the first-hand stories of families who bought the lie of Socialism and Communism under the Castro regime.  The sudden loss of property, businesses, homes, lives and freedoms. The worst of any government overwhelmed the people of Cuba and left them devastated and hopeless for over 60 years now.

Some were able to escape like my friend Dr. Nick Sanchez who at the age of 15 arrived in America together with his cousin under operation Pedro Pan. He explained that he came to America from Cuba with ten cents in his pockets. Fortunately, he had relatives who took them in a few months later until the arrival of his parents a year later.

He, his brother and sister are yet another of millions of terrific immigrant success stories. They assimilated, contributed, substantiated and added to the American Dream. Something that would never have happened in communist Cuba. As Dr. Sanchez adds, “All three of us kids, received PhD’s from an American University.”

In my interview this week with Attorney Ed Pozzuoli, the president of Florida-based law firm Tripp Scott, we discussed this unique opportunity of having our kids come to Miami for an eye and heart-opening experience based on real life experiences. Ed even suggested a lunch or dinner at the infamous Versailles Restaurant. Cubans know and do great food and they know communism sadly.

I’m sure the teacher’s union and Professors who have been peddling the Marxist propaganda would do all they could to block buses traveling to Miami. Education is powerful, especially when it’s true and legitimate. The last thing they want our kids to realize is that they’ve been lied to.

The tens of thousands of personal experiences and stories about communism in their homeland is heartbreaking. Our kids who have been raised on performance trophies and entitlements have no idea just how destructive a totalitarian government can be. It is unimaginable until you find yourself inescapably trapped and without freedom.

Shouts of Libertad (Liberty) and the American flag are the voices and images seen and heard in Miami and Cuba just 90 miles south of Florida. Who would have thought the Cubans would be teaching Americans the value of freedom and our flag that it represents? God bless Los Cubanos and their homeland of Cuba.

Bill Martinez

Bill Martinez is an award-winning marketing and broadcast journalist and host of the nationally syndicated radio show, Bill Martinez Live.

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