
Charlottesville Was A Liberal's Wet Dream

It didn't take long did it? Almost as quickly as reports spread of a vehicular attack at what had began as a peaceful protest by a disgusting group of human beings, Trump, KKK, White Nationalism and Neo-Nazi all began to be tied together to dominate the theme of the reporting of this horrific tragedy.

As if Donald Trump was the man that Hillary Clinton called a, "Friend and Mentor." As if our President was a former "Exalted Cyclops" of the Ku Klux Klan who also served as a Congressman and Senator for the DEMOKKKRAT party for over 50 years. As if our President was former (Thank God He's Dead) US Senator and former President pro tempore of the United States Senate Robert Byrd.

The scene began peacefully with a protest against the removal of a monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee. It was held by a group purporting to be aligned with the right wing. That is false. Conservatives and right wingers are the true believers of equality. I have been on both sides and I have to say I have seen more blatant racism coming from the left in my lifetime.

When left wing agitators arrived it escalated, predictably, into violence. I have more than a sneaking suspicion that the left is behind the efforts of both groups.

It is well known that the George Soro's funded outfit has been very successful in agitating and provoking riots in the past. The theme has continually been a takedown of the right as we saw in the horrific violence that surrounded a canceled Donald Trump rally last year in Chicago. was all too happy to take credit for the chaos in Chicago with the following statement appearing on its page afterwards, “Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events,”

Even more disturbing was the "pat on the back" gave the violent disruptors in openly stating on its website, “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”

Adding to this manufactured, dangerous climate are other left wing groups that seek to disrupt, intimidate and silence opposition by funding and staging these "spontaneous" riots. This is an actual ad from craigslist:


It is obvious that there is no basement when it comes to the depths that left will sink to when it comes to taking down this president. I saw a lot of negativity pointed towards George W. Bush throughout his presidency, but the hate endured during first 200 days of the Trump Administration has been unprecedented.

Perhaps the most sickening and delusional statement throughout this entire ordeal was issued by Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer when he said he hopes the President, "looks himself in the mirror and thinks very deeply about who he consorted with." Perhaps Signer should look at himself and his party in the mirror and examine it's racist history that he himself lived through, from the 1964 filibuster of the Civil Rights Act to the "Exalted Cyclops" in the Senate.

Julio Rivera

Julio Rivera is a small business consultant, political activist, writer and Editorial Director for Reactionary Times.  His writing, which is concentrated on politics and cybersecurity, has also been published by websites including Newsmax, The Hill, The Washington Times, LifeZette, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Toronto Sun, PJ Media and many others.

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