
Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Health Insurance Requirement for Immigrants

A federal judge has blocked one of President Donald Trump’s policies that would require applying US immigrants to obtain health insurance coverage. According to the Oregon Judge, Trump’s plan could cause potential damage to incoming immigrants and their families. What he fails to account for is how delaying the policy would place the burden on American taxpayers. 

The White House announced the new healthcare policy on October 3rd. The policy would ensure that potential US immigrants are self-sufficient enough to cover their medical expenses. This would require Visa applicants provided proof that they will either purchase a US health insurance plan or have enough money to cover any future medical costs. 

Michael Simon from US District Court in Portland issued the temporary block to the policy after US citizens and an advocacy group filed suit against it. The restraining order is set to last for 28 days, stopping the policy from going into effect on its scheduled date on November 3rd. 

Simon states on his order that immigrants face “ a likely risk of being separated from their family members and a delay in obtaining a visa to which family members would otherwise be entitled is irreparable harm.” What judge Simon fails to see is that this transfers the burden of immigrant healthcare on American citizens who are actually paying taxes.

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