
McConnell Pushes for Filibuster Agreement in Senate

On Monday, Mitch McConnell indicated he was ready for a filibuster agreement in Senate.

As the Upper Chamber of Congress is split 50-50 along the two parties, Vice President Kamala Harris’s vote will be the tiebreaker for Democrats in approving Joe Biden's legislative priorities, meaning that they are effectively controlling the Senate.

In return for the transfer control of the Senate’s committees, Mitch McConnell demanded Democrats preserve the 60-vote threshold for passing every piece of legislation. However, the Dems refused to accept the filibuster rule and left the chamber stuck at an impasse with no majority ascertainment. 

Following the support of Sen. Joe Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, McConnell indicated he is ready to move on, pointing out that the two senators share his and President Biden’s view that “no Senate majority should destroy the right of future minorities of both parties to help shape legislation” and he looks forward to “a power-sharing agreement modeled on that precedent.”

Julio Rivera

Julio Rivera is a small business consultant, political activist, writer and Editorial Director for Reactionary Times.  His writing, which is concentrated on politics and cybersecurity, has also been published by websites including Newsmax, The Hill, The Washington Times, LifeZette, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Toronto Sun, PJ Media and many others.

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