
Mitch McConnell Publicly Acknowledges Biden Victory

After the Electoral College certified the election results, Mitch McConnell acknowledged the victory of Joe Biden on Tuesday, stating: 

"As of this morning, our country has officially a President-elect and a Vice President-elect." 

Before congratulating the new President and Vice President, the Senate Majority leader added that many people hoped for a different result, however, "The Electoral College has spoken." 

In addition, Mitch McConnell praised President Trump’s work and stated that he and Vice President Mike Pence “deserve our thanks.”

On Tuesday, Joe Biden told reporters that although he disagreed on many things with Mitch McConnell, he thanked him for the congratulations and added that “there are things we can work together on."

After the Electoral College vote on Monday, some Republicans also acknowledged Joe Biden's victory and rejected Donald Trump's voter fraud allegations.

The Senator of South Dakota John Thune stated that “Once the Electoral College settles the issue today, it’s time for everybody to move on,” and the inaugural committee chairman Sen. Roy Blunt added that they will have to “deal with Vice President Biden as the president-elect.”

In turn, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas cut the election legal challenges, saying that the arguments of Donald Trump are exhausted and confirmed Joe Biden’s victory. 

Although many Republicans have overturned their positions, others keep supporting President Trump, urging him to continue his legal battles.

According to Donald Trump’s ally Sen. Lindsey Graham, “It’s a very, very narrow path for the president,” but they should “let those legal challenges play out.”

After the Supreme Court overruled two more lawsuits challenging the voting process, the ex-GOP leader Trent Lott stated that he doesn’t see “many avenues left for the president to pursue,” and the ex-House speaker John Boehner added that “The election is over, in everybody’s mind except Donald Trump.” 

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