
Roger Stone Sentencing: What is Happening with Former Trump Adviser's Case?

Four US prosecutors have abruptly quit over the case of Roger Stone, while at the same time, many are alleging President Trump interfered in some way with the trial due to a tweet he posted.

Roger Stone – Who and Why?

Roger Stone has been a political consultant to Republicans for decades, his career beginning all the way back in the 1970s. He is also a friend to the current president. Stone was convicted in November on several charges, and recently found guilty on seven counts of lying to Congress, obstruction and witness tampering.

The prosecutors working on the case had made a recommendation that the sentence be seven to nine years in prison, and here’s where many allege that Trump interfered with the case. Trump tweeted out that he thought the recommendation was “very horrible and unfair,” after which the DOJ agreed, saying that Stone will see less prison time.

Some seem to believe that the Justice Department is “dancing” to Trump’s tune, although both the DOJ and the President have denied speaking about the matter, with the department saying that the decision was made before the tweet was posted by the president.

As for the prosecutors who resigned from the case, with one going to the extreme of resigning from the Justice Department itself, it seems their withdrawal from Stone’s case was more in protest of the decision.

“They should go back to school and learn because let me tell you, the way they treated people, no one should be treated that way,” Trump said about the prosecutors, calling the nine year recommendation a “disgrace.”

When asked if he has considered pardoning Stone, the president didn’t have an immediate answer, although no denial was issued either, making it a possibility in the future to revisit.

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