Table of Contents
What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malicious software that infects computers and restricts user access to them until a ransom is paid. It typically encrypts the data stored on the computer, rendering it unusable, and displays a message demanding payment to decrypt the data.
A cryptovirus is a malware program that appends encrypted data to the end of files and then claims that the files have been "encrypted" requiring payment for a "decryption key". Although it does not spread automatically using its own code, it employs a malicious binary compiled from another computer virus or malware code.
How Does Ransomware Spread?
Ransomware spreads by infecting the computer and then encrypts all of the files on that computer. If the user is not able to pay or otherwise access their data, they will be locked out from using that particular computer until ransomware decides to allow them back in. One way that ransomware spreads is through contact with a vulnerable file belonging to someone else, like an open email attachment or a visited website's content.
Anyone can fall victim to ransomware, whether you're a newbie or a seasoned veteran. However, it is important to be aware of how ransomware works and what you can do to keep your data safe.
How Does Rookie Crypt Ransomware Work?
Rookie Crypt Ransomware is a type of Cryptovirus that displays a message demanding payment to decrypt the crypt. Rookie Crypt Ransomware typically encrypts the data stored on the computer, rendering it unusable unless payment is made for a decryption key. Rookie Crypt Ransomware appends encrypted data to the end of files and then claims that crypt has been encrypted. Rookie Crypt Ransomware spreads by infecting the computer and then encrypts all of the files on that computer. Rookie Crypt Ransomware can spread through contact with a vulnerable file belonging to someone else, like an open email attachment or visited website's content. RookieCrypt does not attempt to disguise itself in order to avoid detection or stay running once detected by antivirus software. RookieCrypt may attempt to use social engineering in order to trick the user into running it.
Rookie Crypt Ransomware is a new variant of Ransomware and is still under recon.
How to Remove Rookie Crypt Ransomware
Rookie Crypt Ransomware is a new variant of Ransomware that was recently discovered by the cybersecurity community. RookieCrypt is looking to exploit any and all vulnerabilities to spread as widely as possible. If you are looking for a way to remove this virus, please follow these instructions step-by-step:
1. First, press the Windows and R key at the same time to open a Run box.
2. Type in “taskmgr” and click OK to open the Task Manager.
3. In the Processes tab, look for any suspicious-looking processes that may be related to RookieCrypt and then end them by right-clicking on them and clicking End Process or selecting End Process from the drop-down menu.
4. In the Startup tab, look for any suspicious processes that may be related to RookieCrypt and then disable them by right-clicking on them and selecting Disable or clicking Disable from the drop-down menu.
5. In the Windows Registry, navigate to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion 4.
6. Look for any suspicious entries in the Run key and then end them by right-clicking on them and selecting Delete or selecting Delete from the drop-down menu.
7. Restart your computer when it is finished.
How to Protect My Computer From Ransomware
The best way to protect your computer is by installing reputable antivirus software and running it accordingly. You should also install firewalls and regularly back up your files so that you have a record of what your files looked like before they were encrypted. Also, you should ensure that you have an up-to-date operating system and keep it protected with regular updates. Updating is easy and can often be done automatically.
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