
The Oscar Nomination Announcements Were A Win for #MAGA

By Cindy Grosz

Did anyone watch the announcement of the 90th Academy Award nominations early Tuesday morning?

Was that an official ceremony or a bad skit on Saturday Night Live?

The announcers, Tiffany Haddish, of "Girls Trip" and Andy Serkis of "Lord of the Rings" fumbled names of multiple nominees.  The jokes were lame, especially when it came to Best Picture, as a reference to last year's mistake of announcing the wrong winner and embarrassing veteran actors, the "fake" and "real" winners and the entire industry.

Could you imagine if the circumstances were slightly different?  President Trump giving an interview and mispronouncing the name of a world leader?  Chances are fake news media outlets would demand a new medical examination and bring Sigmund Freud back from the dead  to find a new psychological disorder and call upon Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN as the second in command.

Were the facial expressions of Tiffany Haddish audience inviting?  Mile Huckabee is right when he defends his daughter against the harsh and mean derogatory remarks about her looks.  They are jealous about how professional and poised she is, even under the worst scrutiny and endless bashing of her personally and professionally.

I watched the entire ceremony streamed on the Internet.  Was I the only one confused by the mini videos introducing the minor awards?

The Nominee List Suggest Confusion for #metoo And #timesup

The nominations of the beginning of the end of a horrendous year in Hollywood.  It's not my opinion, it is fact.

Why would Hollywood celebrate a story of a 15-year-old having sex with an older visitor to his family's home in Europe in "Call Me By My Name?"  How about an older man playing with a younger muse's mind in "Phantom Thread?"  Yes, the younger woman outsmarts him, but why encourage these ideas if you are leading a movement to fight it?

James Franco's name was missing in the lead actor category.  Greta Gerwig's name appeared among the nominees in Best Director category?  Was this by merit, or by media demands based on nominees and winners from this season's other award organizations?

Many of Hollywood's leading contenders including Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Michelle Williams, Steve Carell and last year's Best Actress winner, Emma Stone were all snubbed.  So were the "moneymakers" Hollywood depends upon when negotiating future film making and buying clout within the mainstream audience, especially the blockbuster, "Wonder Woman."

The Year Of Financial Disaster

The Los Angeles Times writes that the number of movie tickets sold in the U.S. and Canada is expected to hit 1.26 billion in 2017, which is well below 2016’s 1.31 billion. It’s the fewest amount of tickets sold in a year since 1995, when Toy Story and Batman Forever reigned supreme.

Could it be that that those who support President Donald J. Trump are tired of wasting money on those who belittle him?  Could it be that most of the film's are simply getting bad reviews by both critics and audiences?  Could it be that we have cheaper and better quality options of entertainment?  Could it be we want simple entertainment and an escape, not a lesson?

What Happened To Wear Black?

For almost two years, Trumpsters have been consistent with their wardrobe, a red Make America Great Again baseball cap.  They have become collector's items.

What happened to the solidarity of wearing black, as at the Golden Globe Awards in early January?  Actors didn't get the memo for the Screen Actors Guild Awards last weekend.

Perhaps wearing low cut, revealing five-figure gowns left many with the message that it's OK to fight sexual abuse and harassment when you leave little to the imagination of others and you really want some attention.

Maybe Hollywood Likes Donald Trump

Last year, I was in Hollywood the week of Oscar celebrations and learned two things.  Those that express opposition to the president are usually vocal with opinion and little fact.  Many who support the president and his policies stay quiet.  It seems he has more support than the mainstream media let's on, especially since the economy is booming.  Check out Tomi Lehre's reports from West Hollywood, shared on Hannity.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--/RV=2/RE=1516763997/RO=10/

I love movies, and have also seen most of the films nominated.  I respect my president.  It's time Hollywood focuses on movie production and leave security and the economy to Washington, DC.

The complete list of 2018 Oscar Nominations;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--/RV=2/RE=1516764785/RO=10/

Did anyone watch the announcement of the 90th Academy Award nominations early Tuesday morning?

Was that an official ceremony or a bad skit on Saturday Night Live?

The announcers, Tiffany Haddish, of "Girls Trip" and Andy Serkis of "Lord of the Rings" fumbled names of multiple nominees.  The jokes were lame, especially when it came to Best Picture, as a reference to last year's mistake of announcing the wrong winner and embarrassing veteran actors, the "fake" and "real" winners and the entire industry.

Could you imagine if the circumstances were slightly different?  President Trump giving an interview and mispronouncing the name of a world leader?  Chances are fake news media outlets would demand a new medical examination and bring Sigmund Freud back from the dead  to find a new psychological disorder and call upon Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN as the second in command.

Were the facial expressions of Tiffany Haddish audience inviting?  Mile Huckabee is right when he defends his daughter against the harsh and mean derogatory remarks about her looks.  They are jealous about how professional and poised she is, even under the worst scrutiny and endless bashing of her personally and professionally.

I watched the entire ceremony streamed on the Internet.  Was I the only one confused by the mini videos introducing the minor awards?

The Nominee List Suggest Confusion for #metoo And #timesup

The nominations of the beginning of the end of a horrendous year in Hollywood.  It's not my opinion, it is fact.

Why would Hollywood celebrate a story of a 15-year-old having sex with an older visitor to his family's home in Europe in "Call Me By My Name?"  How about an older man playing with a younger muse's mind in "Phantom Thread?"  Yes, the younger woman outsmarts him, but why encourage these ideas if you are leading a movement to fight it?

James Franco's name was missing in the lead actor category.  Greta Gerwig's name appeared among the nominees in Best Director category?  Was this by merit, or by media demands based on nominees and winners from this season's other award organizations?

Many of Hollywood's leading contenders including Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Michelle Williams, Steve Carell and last year's Best Actress winner, Emma Stone were all snubbed.  So were the "moneymakers" Hollywood depends upon when negotiating future film making and buying clout within the mainstream audience, especially the blockbuster, "Wonder Woman."

The Year Of Financial Disaster

The Los Angeles Times writes that the number of movie tickets sold in the U.S. and Canada is expected to hit 1.26 billion in 2017, which is well below 2016’s 1.31 billion. It’s the fewest amount of tickets sold in a year since 1995, when Toy Story and Batman Forever reigned supreme.

Could it be that that those who support President Donald J. Trump are tired of wasting money on those who belittle him?  Could it be that most of the film's are simply getting bad reviews by both critics and audiences?  Could it be that we have cheaper and better quality options of entertainment?  Could it be we want simple entertainment and an escape, not a lesson?

What Happened To Wear Black?

For almost two years, Trumpsters have been consistent with their wardrobe, a red Make America Great Again baseball cap.  They have become collector's items.

What happened to the solidarity of wearing black, as at the Golden Globe Awards in early January?  Actors didn't get the memo for the Screen Actors Guild Awards last weekend.

Perhaps wearing low cut, revealing five-figure gowns left many with the message that it's OK to fight sexual abuse and harassment when you leave little to the imagination of others and you really want some attention.

Maybe Hollywood Likes Donald Trump

Last year, I was in Hollywood the week of Oscar celebrations and learned two things. Those that express opposition to the president are usually vocal with opinion and little fact.  Many who support the president and his policies stay quiet.  It seems he has more support than the mainstream media let's on, especially since the economy is booming.  Check out Tomi Lehren's reports from West Hollywood, shared on Hannity.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--/RV=2/RE=1516763997/RO=10/

I love movies, and have also seen most of the films nominated.  I respect my president. It's time Hollywood focuses on movie production and leave security and the economy to Washington, DC.

The complete list of 2018 Oscar Nominations;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--/RV=2/RE=1516764785/RO=10/

Cindy Grosz

Cindy Grosz is The Jewess Patriot, Talk Radio’s Premiere Jewish Activist syndicated through Real Talk Radio and the Black and White Network. The show streams through iHeart, Spotify and Deezer and out of Israel through Jewish Podcasts. She is the chair of Jewish Vote GOP and a Jewish advisor for many 2022 candidates. She can be reached through

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One Comment

  1. I think it is all choices. I will not be one of them that choose to have unity to all mankind, I will not allow my being to be bound to all people and I will hold the line and division I am granted as Aaron held it between the dying and living. I will be disgusted against Islam and other pagan beliefs who support wicket people and fake gods. I will call for mutilation of them that mutilate and kill children and them that give them their bodies to do that with the children in them, I will call for their condemnation as murdering people. I will not cease to be an American and I will not cease to be a Christian, as an American I will support them that do not sin or sin the least, I will support peace and prosperity. As a christian I will support them that support me as it would be evil to not do so.
    I will condemn Mexicans and call for war against Mexico, it has wicked people in it that attack and invade us, we shall rebuke them and slay them and drive them away from them we shall establish who will keep our wall and barrier respected and will not be sending criminals into us but will trade in peace.
    I will condemn Islam, always will condemn Islam, it is the work of a viper and it is shit that I will never praise. Islam calls for Jihad against any who refuse to worship Allah and I most certainly will never worship allah. It calls or Jihad against any who speak critical of the prophet muhammad and I will never speak well of wicked men that abuse children and slay innocents for not worshipping pagan gods.
    Gays and the rest of the WEIRDO, ABNORMALS, I rebuke, I rebuke all sodomy as vile filth of poop caca and germs and demons, I rebuke cross dressing or men wearing womens stuff and visa versa, I endorse clean clear gender roles proper to xy and xx in DNA cells. I do not call for death to these sicko weirdo people but I do call battle against their making christians and americans kiss ass and assist them to establish lies over their gender as to call a man a woman for the reason the man has his sex organ mangled and hormones injected, all fake, not a woman but a man in sick sexual lusts. I am an advocate of the rod, a good beating of gay men to force them to stop promoting sodomy to people who are against it and putting their shit hands in our food, our doors, our places of touching.
    I am This I am.

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