
Twitter Marks President Trump's Tweet as Manipulated Media

President Trump on Thursday night tweeted an alternative video of a CNN segment that shows distorted footage of two black and white children, who in the real video embraced, but in this video were made to look like the black child was being chased by the white child. This prompted the social media giant to mark the President's tweet as "manipulated media."

Trump vs. Twitter Feud Escalates

The original post of the clip was made by a Trump superfan, who said that “America is not the problem,” claiming that incidents involving racism were being manufactured to create a buzz in the nation. 

The President’s repost of the clip was flagged by Twitter as “manipulated media,” with the policy prevents users to “deceptively promote synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm.”

The company’s policy also states that the mark could also be used for helping people understand whether or not something is authentic, in an effort to provide additional context. 

Trump has been in an ongoing feud with the social media giant, who seems to have a thing for flagging the president’s posts. Late May saw a tweet by Trump flagged as “glorifying violence,” due to the president’s comments on the civil unrest, following the death of George Floyd. 

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