
White Lives Matter Rally Shut Down by Police Amid Reports of Violence

The Huntington Beach Police Department shut down an organized "White Lives Matter" rally within 90 minutes on Sunday after a number of attendees violently clashed with Black Lives Matter counter-protesters.

The rally started at 1 p.m. local time near the Huntington Beach pier and was organized by a group called the Loyal White Knights of the KKK on social media. It was intended to "revive the White Racial Consciousness and to unify White People against white hate," as stated in messages over Telegram.

The Black Lives Matter counter-protesters, who far outnumbered the white nationalists assembled near the Huntington Beach pier, had arrived hours before the "White Lives Matter" rally was scheduled to start.

Several Violent Confrontations Between Rally-Goers and Counter-Protesters 

In a YouTube video, a man can be seen punching another man after being provoked by repeated questions and a crowd of hostile bystanders.

"F*** off you Nazi b****," an onlooker yelled at the violent man as he tried to walk away. Shortly after that, the attacker was arrested by the police.

A man donning a Trump 2020 flag was reportedly involved in another scuffle with counter-protesters.

Police officers arrested several other people who carried knives and paper spray.

Two counter-protesters were arrested before the "White Lives Matter" event was secured. According to Huntington Beach Police Chief Lt. Brian Smith, one individual was escorted off for "noise violation." The other man, who had interfered and impeded with police officers, was detained and taken into custody for "possession of a metal baton, a knife and two cans of pepper spray."

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