
Why You Should Care About the End of Net Neutrality

The issue of net neutrality can be a little dull at times, but that's one of the most important reasons to care. The way to do something bad is to make it so boring that no one cares. The main principle behind "net neutrality" is the idea that all online data is treated equally. The internet as a whole was founded – and operated – under this idea of fairness. This all changes with the death of net neutrality. It means that the playing field isn't even anymore. There's no such thing as a fair and balanced internet in a world where net neutrality doesn't exist. Here's why you should care about the end of net neutrality.

1. You Might Have to Pay More to Access Websites

We only have to look at other countries to see what happens without net neutrality. Some countries that don't have such stringent net neutrality laws see people paying more to access their favorite websites. Imagine having to pay extra to access social media and Netflix? That's the kind of future you can expect without net neutrality. If you don't want to pay that premium – or you can't – then you won't have access to those sites.

2. There’s No Competition

Competition keeps things fair and balanced. Net neutrality ensures that the corporate giants can't establish a monopoly. Let's say that there was an alternative to Netflix that appeared with a great content selection. They would have to pay ISPs to get seen by the people. Startups are going to have a much harder time getting established.

3. Independent Artists Won’t be able to Make as Much Money

One thing the internet has done is allowed for independent artists to make a name for themselves on platforms like Soundcloud. They have the potential to reach audiences they would never have been able to because no record label would have them. Who's to say that these alternative pathways will be able to keep up with the costs without net neutrality? These artists could be forced to go down less lucrative routes. They might not even be able to get signed at all and end up entirely out of luck. Many people rely on the internet to make a living, and it's not just online workers.

4. Remote Areas Will be Hit the Worst

Outlying areas have sketchy internet access as it is. Not everyone has the internet speeds necessary to stream content in standard definition, never mind high definition. ISPs don't see the appeal in digging good lines in these areas because they don't get much return on investment. The repeal of net neutrality would only make the problem worse. Remote areas have barely any internet as it is, they can't really afford to have less. 

5. Corporate Censorship is an Issue 

What's to stop an ISP from censoring the internet? What's to keep an AT&T from deciding that certain websites make them look bad, so their customers shouldn't have access to them? Well, the only thing that stops that is net neutrality. Without net neutrality in place, ISPs are free to create their own censored versions of the internet, similar to China's state internet. We all know how heavily censored that is, to the point it's almost useless. 

The internet was supposed to be some "grand equalizer" that kept us all on a level playing field. It brought the world together and granted a free and open source of knowledge. It's one of the greatest achievements to date, and without net neutrality, all of that greatness could be a thing of the past. 


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