
Biden Outspending Trump 50 to 1 in Radio Ads

Joe Biden outspends Donald Trump 50 to 1 in radio ads. According to the Federal Election Commission spending reports, Biden has spent more than $15 million in radio ads across 50 states, while Trump hardly invested $270,000 across seven US states.

Don't Underestimate the Radio Ads

The latest Audio Today Report by Nielsen shows that nearly 272 million Americans listen to traditional radio each week. Nevertheless, Joe Biden’s campaign has been treating it like a monopoly.

The Democratic nominee campaign spends a lot on radio ads aimed at evangelical Christians, senior citizens, and core supporters, such as Hispanics and urban Blacks.

The radio offensive of Joe Biden could essential to gain ground against Trump in key states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, which voted for Trump in 2016.

Radio ads may also help the Democratic candidate to win Ohio and Texas which could bring the final victory to Biden.

According to McClatchy, "radio is cheap and really effective with a captive audience," and "It allows for easy targeting unlike TV and it's perfect for the cash-strapped Trump."

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