
Jeff Sessions Owns the Stage at Western Conservative Summit


Jeff Sessions electrified the crowd at Western Conservative Summit this weekend in Colorado. His approximately 30 minute speech drew many extended ovations as he signaled his support for many of President Trump's policies. Sessions touched on Immigration, the Department of Justice’s move Thursday night not to defend key elements of the Affordable Care Act amid a Republican court challenge, and in regards to Trump and his remaking of the Judiciary, Sessions said, "I think we’re really taking step after step after step,” adding that the president has “nominated some fabulous judges to the federal bench.”


Sessions had a lot to say, but the highlight of the evening was his statement on Illegal Immigration:

“It cannot be that someone who illegally crosses the border on a Monday and gets to Denver or Boulder or Aurora on Wednesday is home free — never to be removed from this country. What kind of law would that be?” he said. “What if they were bringing 6 ounces of cocaine with them and they were arrested for that? This refusal of cooperation has serious consequences.”



Julio Rivera

Julio Rivera is a small business consultant, political activist, writer and Editorial Director for Reactionary Times.  His writing, which is concentrated on politics and cybersecurity, has also been published by websites including Newsmax, The Hill, The Washington Times, LifeZette, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Toronto Sun, PJ Media and many others.

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