Mass Media

Keep the Bubbly on Ice? MLB Bars Champagne Celebrations

MLB knows they can remove one significant element from any stadium celebration — alcohol

MLB is forbidding alcohol. Instead, they insist on more restrained and distant celebrations outdoors.

COVID Will Bring Restrained MLB Postseason Celebrations

According to the memorandum they are still preparing, the league expects players to remember that COVID-19 is not gone, and everyone should limit their contacts.

Players dream about the dog-pile moments, the joy of a champagne celebration, and the collaborative exultation in commemorating a great team achievement, however, spontaneity and euphoria may lead to bad consequences.

Nevertheless, MLB knows they can remove one significant element from any stadium celebration — alcohol, and its presence will be forbidden. The league can also control the clubhouse and is going to ask players to celebrate on the field and mask up as soon as they can. Commemorative shirts and caps will be distributed in a way to contact as few people as possible.

At a time when there is a potential for more celebrations than ever, the restrictions come as a necessity. So, no matter what the players think, when it comes to alcohol and enthusiasm, they are going to be asked that any partying be dry.

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