
Open letter to President Trump from an American in Israel


Dear President Trump,

I am writing to request a meeting with you when you visit Israel.  I am a United States Army veteran who made the Jewish right of return with my family and have lived in the Holy Land for 4 years. I understand that you have met with Palestinian Authority President Abbas. I would like to discuss my concerns with you.

People fail to realize that the Israeli-Arab conflict has nothing to do with land, or the fact that Palestine never really existed. This is a holy war declared on the Jewish people in the Jewish homeland by Muslims and their stated mission is to erase Israel off the map. Hamas, Fatah, and many other radical Islamic groups are just like ISIS with their war on Christianity.  If you are able to squeeze in a few minutes of your busy time to meet with me, I would like to show you a small presentation why a two-state solution is dangerous for the Jewish people.

We have a similar Liberal problem as the United States has. Our Israeli Liberals enable radical Islamic terror and condemn those who protect Israel and who are for 1967 borders. This conflict has cost the lives of many Israelis, including Americans. Funding to the PLO needs to stop.

I think it would be helpful to you if you got to talk to a regular Israeli citizen, especially an American. One who lives without the security that a politician would have and with a family they have to be concerned about. I know that you care about Israel and her people, and I helped spread your message to Americans here during the campaign. I would be honored and privileged to meet with you to discuss what a regular Israeli citizen is concerned about.

During my Army career, I acquired a secret clearance due to the fact I was a security advisor to the Chaplain as a Chaplain assistant during war time. I was able to see the briefings and understand how the enemy works. I have taken the time to study how Hamas, Fatah and other Radical Islamic terror factions work in Israel with very similar tactics. One thing different about me than others, I do not sugar coat anything like a politician would. I report facts and will tell the truth without fear. Also as a regular citizen I can tell you our concerns for the safety of our families because we do not have the luxury of security. I promise you, you will not regret 5 minutes of your time meeting with me.

Thank you for your time, Mr. President. I appreciate your careful consideration of my request.

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  1. Please President Trump. Take this meeting. You will be no where near the swamp in meeting with this fine patriot. It's a perspective only he can provide. Real, authentic and on the ground.

  2. What a load! Kushner is up POTUS ass 24/7 that's enough Jew perspective! You live on stolen land someone should take it from you! Sorry I must go throw up now your article made me nauseous!

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