
Trump to Nominate Woman for SCOTUS Vacancy

Maine Sen. Susan Collins broke ranks with the president and said that the election winner should select Ginsburg replacement

US President Donald Trump announced that he will nominate a woman next week to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacancy on the Supreme Court.

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During his rally in North Carolina on Saturday, Trump paid a brief tribute to Ginsburg, talking about her friendship with the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and stating that her “landmark rulings, fierce devotion to justice and her courageous battle against cancer inspired all Americans.”

Donald Trump added that according to Article II of the Constitution, the President holds the incredibly important responsibility to nominate justices to the Supreme Court, and “it can't be any more clear, can it?”

Although he intends to nominate a woman for Ginsburg’s vacancy, the US President said he was ready to change his mind by what he joked was a “very scientific poll” of the crowd, and if his supporters wanted him to nominate a man or a woman.

The people on the Saturday rally cheered more for a female nominee, and the President said “that’s a very accurate poll because that’s the way I feel."

Trump added that although he hadn’t picked whom the nominee would be, “It will be a woman, a very talented, very brilliant woman.”

Earlier on Saturday, Maine Sen. Susan Collins was the first Republican senator who broke ranks with the president and said she believed that the winner of the election should select Ginsburg’s replacement.
During his rally, the President told Collins: “We won the election. Now then we have some senators that, forget it. Think of it, I won’t say it. I won’t say it, Susan. I won’t say it, Susan.”

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