
Videos Show Bloomberg's Controversial Comments Towards Trans Woman

2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg is being hounded for an apology by the LGBTQ+ equality group about a video showing Bloomberg “demoralize and dehumanize” their community. 

LGBTQ’s Best or Worst? 

Bloomberg’s team recently released a campaign video to promote the former mayor as the best candidate for the LGBTQ+ community, citing previous civil rights bill regarding transgender people from 2002 and Bloomberg’s plans on “passing the Equality Act.” 

Just as the campaign video got out, however, another video was dug out, in which Bloomberg refers to a trans woman as a “man wearing a dress” in a hypothetical situation, that the community views as “dehumanizing” and “demoralizing.” 

“Over the last decade, right-wing extremists have attacked transgender people, their humanity, and their rights at every opportunity. And in 2019, at least 26 transgender and gender non-conforming people lost their lives to fatal violence,” Human Rights Campaign president Alphonso David said, demanding an apology from the candidate for the comments he made. 

David further added that if Bloomberg wants to receive support from any of the 57 million LGBTQ+ voters, he should apologize and aim to “undo the damage” the Trump administration has done. 

Bloomberg has been experiencing a surge in polls in recent weeks, but who knows just how many other video clips could be dug out, in which Bloomberg is saying something inappropriate regarding today’s world, and how much will that affect the public’s opinion, as well those voting for him? 

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