
Warren Acknowledges That Medicare For All Will Kill 2 Million Jobs

Calling it “part of the cost issue,” 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren has acknowledged the estimated 2 million job losses in administrative positions that would come as a result of her healthcare plan.

UMass’ Political Economy Research Institute’s Robert Pollin talked to Kaiser Health News earlier this year about the Warren Medicare-For-All plan, saying that 2 million jobs would be lost if the plan goes in effect – about half of them being insurers and the other half in hospitals and doctors’ offices.

An interview with New Hampshire Public Radio made Warren aware of the prediction, and she fully agreed with it, coming back with a question, however, on where and how the money for health care is distributed.

“So, I agree. I think this is part of the cost issue and should be part of a cost plan. … Although do recognize on this what we’re talking about, and that is in effect, how much of our health care dollars have not gone to health care?”

The Medicare-For-All plan has become quite a big issue, especially among Democratic candidates for the upcoming 2020 elections. When asked to give an explanation on how the $30 trillion to fund the plan would be raised over the time period of 10 years, Warren had no answer. The candidate also did not comment on how taxes would increase for the middle-class and has been dodging similar questions during debates and her campaigning.

“We will see, most likely, rich people’s costs go up, corporations costs go up, but the cost to middle-class families will go down. I will not sign any legislation into law for which costs for middle-class families do not go down,” was the only comment on the matter from Warren.

Studies do, however, show that simply raising the taxes for the wealthiest of America will not be enough to fund the plan, making it almost guaranteed that, hypothetically, should the plan be set in motion, taxes will spike for everyone.

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