
Coronavirus in the US: Bothell High School Gets Shut Down for a Second Day

Bothell High School stays closed for a second day in a row as coronavirus panic continues to engulf the world bit by bit. 

Bothell High Closed Down 

After an announcement Wednesday night that Bothell High School would be closing on Thursday, the shut down was extended to Friday as well over concerns of a potential coronavirus infection of one of the school’s staff members. 

The staff members in ques had reported that a family member became sick during their travels to foreign countries, and is currently being quarantined and treated. In contrast, the school faculty member will have to stay home for 14 days. 

“At this time, there is no confirmation that the family member’s illness is connected to the coronavirus outbreak, but out of an abundance of caution, the family member is being tested,” the letter sent to the students’ families reads. 

Additionally, the entire school is being disinfected as a “preventive measure.” The school district’s superintendent Michelle Reid wrote, but although the Washington State Department of Health has already been contacted, test results could be as late as a week, meaning that Bothell High School will likely continue to be closed until the results are out.

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